On October 12, 2020 at 6:41 am, Asa Ruth Woliver made her entrance into the world, and on October 14, we welcomed her to Merry Mount. At birth, Asa weighed 6 pounds and 14 ounces and was 19 inches long. I think she is PERFECT.
We believe the name Asa Ruth fits her well. Asa pronounced
(eɪ- sʌ) means “healer” in Hebrew, and in Nordic languages Asa means “beautiful goddess”. Ruth in Hebrew means “compassionate friend” and for the Wolivers is a bow to Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
Mom (Kris) and Dad (Simon) are well and proud, and “big sisters” Joy and Eva are exuberant.
GranMama and Paddy are jubilant.
Asa Ruth has found her rightful place at Merry Mount.